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Mirihi Island Resort Maldives


Mirihi の 水上コテージ ~ Maldives モルディブ ~ Water Villa

Mirihi で リゾート ~ Maldives モルディブ ~

Images of Mirihi I, Maldives

Mirihi Island Resort Maldives Water Villa 大浪中的水上屋


Mirihi Island Resort Maldives Water Villa 波濤洶湧

Mirihi Island Resort Maldives 在餐廳用餐時的 Restaurant View

Mirihi Island Resort Maldives 水清沙白 White Sand and Clear water

Maldives - Mirihi

Mirihi Island Resort Maldives
South Ari Atoll, Republic of Maldives
Tel: +960 668 0500
Fax: +960 668 0501
Email: info@mirihi.com
Transfer between airport/hotel by sea-plane (around 30 minutes)

Mirihi Island Resort. The term "Mirihi" refers to the small exquisite yellow flowers found around this beautiful island. According to local folklore, the flowers can be used to "take away the poison".

Mirihi Island Resort is located on a secluded tropical island in the South Ari Atoll, approximately 85 kilometres south of the capital Male'. A picturesque and breathtaking 30 minute seaplane ride from Male will bring you here. This emerald gem is just 350 meters long and 50 meters wide with a sparkling palm-fringed beach of fine white sand. Walk barefoot if you choose, this is as close to nature as you can get

Blessed with white talc beaches, turquoise blue waters and one of the most amazing house-reefs, it is truly a vision of paradise on earth.

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